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Principal's Message


Office Staff:

Jill Gentner
Principal's Secretary
Julie Richman
Attendance Secretary

Office:  (248) 823-3800
Attendance:  (248) 823-3801

Welcome to Martell's Website,

As I begin my 7th year as the Principal and Lead Learner of Martell Elementary School, I can’t help but share with you the great pride and honor I am reminded of daily while serving this outstanding learning community! It starts with the wonderful children our families entrust us to for their educational experience. Add to this an incredibly dedicated staff, committed to students being cared for socially, emotionally, and academically, while encouraged to grow to their highest potential. Add a supportive parent community, jumping in to help wherever needed. Top it off with a school district that is committed to World Class learning with a laser focused vision. We are incredibly fortunate, and I am proud to join in and work hard to continue the legacy of success here at Martell! 

I have been in education for over 30 years. A fun fact about me is I hold 3 degrees from Oakland University: BS in Elementary Education, M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education, and K-12 Leadership. (Yes, I love Oakland! Go Grizzlies!) I am the very proud wife to Bill, and mom of 3 young adults. There’s not a day that goes by that I do not fall more in love with this profession. I truly love each day of school life with students, staff, and families. Being involved educationally in the lives of young children is the greatest gift! 

Our building theme is, “Work Hard, Dream Big, and Shine Bright”. I look forward to all the ways we will help our school community live into this. Together we will partner on this amazing school journey and make it the best year yet! 

In Partnership,


Michelle Barsh, Ed.S.
Principal, Martell Elementary School